About me

BodyShape Pro Izabela Olek

My name is Izabela. I am a Pilates and Yogalates instructor living in Antwerp with a huge passion for health and fitness.

Let me invite you to my Pilates, Yogalates, Cardio and Body Shape sessions.

My style

I am a patient, encouraging teacher who likes to make classes fun, varied, dynamic and (at intermediate level) challenging.

My classes are small, friendly and personal. This means that I can focus on quality rather than quantity and give everyone the attention they deserve. I can therefore deliver a more personalised service than in a larger gym style class. My classes are tailored to coincide with my clients’ overall level of fitness and goals as well as the ongoing feedback I encourage.

Let me know what goals you would like to set yourself before you start classes with me and I will support you in making those goals a reality (although change won’t happen overnight!).

Aside from Pilates and Yogalates I love weight training, cardio and yoga. I therefore love taking inspiration from other forms of exercise to add an extra functional dimension to my teaching. I am also an avid meditator and believe in the importance of using the breath and mindful movement to offset our busy, stressful lives.

Pilates has revolutionised my life. It has been beneficial not only for my posture, core strength and muscle tone, but also my overall mental and physical wellbeing. I hope you also value its benefits after attending my classes:) 

See you!

BodyShape Pro Izabela Olek




"The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy." Joseph Pilates

PILATES is a form of exercise that was developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century as a low-impact workout that emphasizes on controlled movements performed on a mat. At the time, Joseph called it Contrology and developed it for the purpose of rehabilitation (soldiers, dancers).

It's based on 34 original exercises that target your core and posture. Plus, it's a workout that's gentle on your joints but tough on your muscles. Pilates will help you increase your core strength, flexibility, and range of motion, making it easier to move through your day with ease. And if you're looking to improve your athletic performance, Pilates can help with that too!

But, wait! There's more. Pilates isn't just a physical workout. It's also great for your mental health. By focusing on controlled movements, breathing, and mental focus, you'll reduce stress and tension, and improve your overall sense of well-being.

Join my Mat Pilates classes every Monday at 7pm (address: Belpaire, Haantjeslei 50, 2018 Antwerpen) and every Wednesday at 6.30pm (address: Sterckshof Kasteel, 2100 Deurne). Suitable for all abilities.

What should I wear for Pilates?

You will get hot, so wear clothes that allow you to move easily and stay cool. You won’t need shoes, but you will need to wear socks.



Yogalates is a beautiful combination of the gentle stretch of yoga with its asanas and mindfulness and the core-building strength and posture awareness of Pilates. Yogalates is quite simply the perfect East meets West fitness class which has the benefits of both Yoga and Pilates. You will leave feeling energised, calm and stretched in all the right places!

A Yogalates class may include popular yoga postures like downward-facing dog and the warrior poses with Sun Salutations, stretching and intense core and abdominal strength work. Some exercises may require the use of props such as blocks, resistance bands and weights to intensify the effect. Yogalates may also feature breathing exercises, guided mindfulness and relaxation, depending on the teacher and style. It is likely to have a strong focus on alignment.

As well as the benefits of yoga and Pilates, Yogalates is believed to be particularly effective for improving muscle tone, developing a slimmer, stronger physique and even weight loss.

Yogalates classes run every Sunday at 10am. Suitable for all ages and abilities.

What should I wear for Yogalates?

Wear clothes that allow you to move easily and stay cool. You won’t need shoes, but you will need to wear socks.



My SHAPE AND BURN classes are the best method to combat stubborn body fat: they raise your heart rate, improve your endurance and burn off lots of calories. This high-energy fatburning workout is a fun way to get the most out of an hour of training, working on both your cardiovascular endurance and toning all big muscle groups.

Shape and Burn workout will get you breathing hard and burning lots of calories during the session. Also, it is very flexible, and you can adjust the difficulty level to something that suits you.

Ready to lose some weight?

SHAPE AND BURN classes: every Monday at 8pm and every Saturday at 6pm (address: Haantjeslei 50, 2018 Antwerpen).

It is important to remember that all fitness classes will help you to burn calories and improve your overall fitness. You need to be consistent with your program and try and attend a class at least 2 times a week to start to see real changes in your body.

Pair your fitness regime with a nutritional and healthy diet that supports and nourishes your body. Then you will start to see the fat melt off you, and your new healthy self come to the forefront.



As the name suggests, the purpose of Body Shape is to improve your figure by working on overall body condition. All muscle groups are strengthened by means of (reasonably) gentle exercises performed to music.

This improves muscular strength and stamina. Light weights or elastic 'dyna-bands' are often used. If you and your muscles are already in good condition, Body shape is an excellent way of maintaining your fitness level.

This class focuses on strengthening the muscles of the thighs, glutes and the abdominal muscles while burning calories.

See you at my Body Shape classes every Saturday at 5pm.

Address: Haantjeslei 50, 2018 Antwerpen.

Get ready to feel the burn!


Firstly, I want to be clear that a 1:1 should never just be a group class with you as the solo attendee.

Private sessions are a valuable way for you to dive deep into the way your body moves…and the ways it doesn’t like to move so much. I tailor and personalise your training according to your needs and goals.

As you build a relationship with your teacher and they get to know more about your movement patterns, they can discover the very best exercises to challenge you and get real results for you.

I guarantee to help you achieve realistic goals and results.

Timetable and Locations


Haantjeslei 50, 2018 Antwerpen



Sterckshof Kasteel Sterckshoflei, 2100 Deurne



Belpaire, Haantjeslei 50, 2018 Antwerpen:

  • Single group class: €15
  • 5-class package: €50 (lasting 7 weeks)- you can mix classes.
  • Complete Monthly Pass: €100 -1 month unlimited access to all classes (5 hours/week).

Sterckshof Castle, 2100 Deurne:

  • Single group session: €15
  • 5-class package: €60 (lasting 7 weeks).
  • 8-class package: €80 (lasting 11 weeks).

Private session 1:1 : €60/ hour